Saturday 22 February 2014

My First Time Tag!

Now, technically this isn't my first blog post, however I deleted all my other posts as I have decided to take a different route towards blogging. I've chosen to pursue life's destiny for me and use my excellent skills of chatting and become a chatty blog. This means I will write about my feelings, my opinions, reviews of things, day to day things really. So where best to start than the 'My First Time Tag'? but before that, here is some information about me... 

Name: Lauren Balchin (The amount of trouble my surname has given me through life, bumchin, bollockchin it's endless. Also, teachers can never spell it, Does anyone else have a weird surname?)
Age: 19
DOB: 7th February 1995
Hometown: Westbury, Wiltshire
Job: In university at Bournemouth, studying Media and Communication
Favourite colour: Green
Favourite Food: Anything that contains chocolate 
Ambition: become a well-known journalist or columnist. 

Any questions, don't hesitate to comment below!

Now, here goes.

1.First best friend: I remember my first best friend very clearly due to the fact that she just so happens to be my best friend now. Her name is Katie and our parents were best friends. Our birthdays are very close so we used to have cute play dates when we were very young and continued on to going to the same schools and staying very close! 

2. First concert: well, this is a tough one, because what I would describe as a concert would be going to see a band or a singer in an arena, which means therefore my first concert was the Xfactor tour the year that One Direction were there. However, the first 'celebrities' or 'artists' (if you can call them that) I saw were Lemar and the Cheeky girls at a party in the park type scenario. Although, i'm not counting them, sorry guys. 

3. First celebrity crush: This is an embarrassing one, I would love to say the usual's of Zac Efron in High School Musical or Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean however, when I was younger I used to watch way too much Nickelodeon which was the reasoning behind my crush on Natt Wolff who was the lead singer of 'The Naked Brothers Band'. Still haunts me today. I can assure you that my choice in celebrity crushes has matured! 

4. First Word: I had to venture to my Mum for this one, as obviously I wouldn't know, and she replied with 'I can't remember that, probably dada, or I could lie and say it was something intelligent!'. So I guess that one can't be answered, sorry!

5. First Job: When I was 13 I got myself a paper round, however I can't really class that as 'MY' job because my mum used to drive me round and do most of the delivering for me! But, when I was 16 I became a waitress and stayed there until I left for university last september!

6. First Phone: oh wow, well, I got my first phone when I was around 7-8 and it was a Nokia 3310 which had a Manchester United case on it, and all I ever used it for was to download ringtones and play snake! 

7. First Tweet: I can't be 100% sure, but I'm vaguely sure it was something about not understanding twitter!

8. First Kiss: I'm not going to name names, but all I remember is that a group of us were on the primary school field one lunchtime and it was one of those peer pressure moments of 'You guys should kiss' and well, we did, everybody went 'ewwwwww' and I felt ashamed. 

So there we have it, that's just a few of my 'First times'
Hopefully I can keep this as quite a regular occurrence as I failed miserably last time!

Until next time folks, I shall leave you with my favourite song at the moment..
Beyonce - Drunk in Love
