Wednesday 15 October 2014



A Film starring Ben Affleck as a husband whose wife (Rosamund Pike) mysteriously disappears one morning leaving a suspicious crime scene behind her. The narrative then follows the story through the police and the people of the town throwing accusations towards Nick Dunne (Affleck). Did he have anything to do with it? Or is there something their ‘perfect marriage’ is hiding.
For a crime thriller, the film is highly recommendable with there being top rated actors within it such as Affleck, Pike and also Neil Patrick Harris who bring Gillian Flynn’s characters to life perfectly. Also, for those who are like me and read the book before seeing the film, it sticks very closely to the challengingly descriptive narrative. The film itself is gripping and allows several different scenario s and possible film endings to flow through you whilst watching it, which is helped on by the clever story line as lots of different clues are revealed. It’s not just simply a ‘man marries wife happy ever after’ type film, its twists turns and tensions break it away from any normal film about marital struggle.

Looking at characters individually, at first I was skeptical about the casting of Rosamund Pike as Amy Dunne after reading the book. This is because her character is so complex, fiery and ultimately haunting therefore seemed a tough role to play for someone known for being one of Jane Austen’s Bennet sisters. However, I was totally taken aback on how amazingly she portrayed one such character and thoroughly enjoyed her performance. 
Ben Affleck still now confuses me. Don't get me wrong, he is an incredible actor and plays the part really well, but I am still gutted because he is not what I pictured at all. I pictured more of an Italian New Yorker looking type guy, skinny, with longish hair. Don't ask why! Also, WHY WHY WHY is Neil Patrick Harris cast as Desi Collings? Out of all the casting, this one infuriates me. After reading the book, I pictured an Indian looking dark skinned relatively chubby man therefore I couldn't concentrate on the scenes he was in.

The director however, David Fincher, does a stunning job to portray the darkness of the storyline in a creative and interesting way through the flashbacks and present story. Alongside the score for the movie it creates an eerie atmosphere that you can feel throughout.
Overall, I encouragingly ask you to take a trip to the cinema to see this incredible adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

Did everyone else enjoy it?
What did everyone think of the casting of Nick, Amy and Desi? 

Until next time

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