Monday, 6 October 2014

Book Review: Gone Girl

I am a huge bookworm, to the point where I cannot see an adaptation film in the cinema without reading the book first. However, I read this book before I even knew it was to become a film as it was recommended to me by a friend. To start the review off in ONE word....


Now, I can't put good books down, ever. So this book took me only a few days to read as the storyline is so gripping! To explain without giving it away, the book follows and man and wife through, call it diary entries, about the disappearance of the wife, 'Amy'. The media and police suspect that 'Nick', the husband, has something to do with it, and suspect him of murdering her. So, it follows the crime scenes, the numerous pleading missing persons reports but it also delves deep into Amy and Nicks past and their marriage to help you conjure up your own opinion as to 'Who killed Amy Dunne'.

I am yet to see the film, however, as all bookworms are, i am scared. The people who have been cast are not who i imagined would bring these characters to life. I imagined Nick tall, skinny and almost italian looking, you know the sleeked back combovery typed man, which is nothing like Ben Affleck who has been cast. Even though i love Rosamund Pike and think she is incredible, i portrayed the character of Amy as a fiesty women, curvy and ultimately 'sassy'. Rosumund Pike I feel doesn't have the fiesty character. This however i am only basing on her previous roles, such as Jane Bennet in 'Pride and Prejudice'. Despite this, i am excited to see the book brought to life.
Gillian Flynn is definitely an author I am going to investigate as she has a few other thriller themed books that i have yet to read. 

Has anyone else read it?What does everyone else think?

Until Next Time!


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