Wednesday, 8 October 2014

My Top 5 Tips for University

Now, I know the University year has already started and you freshers are stuck in bed with freshers flu, however now being in my second year I have now realised just what the DO's and DONT'S are when it comes to university: so here are my TOP 5 TIPS:

1. Under NO circumstance get NETFLIX or any other similar platform.
-Yes, you may have spare time -  and believe me in first year you do, but do not get sucked into the emotional vortex that is netflix. You will start a tv show and then feel so attached to that show that you will never work, never sleep and never eat. This is coming from first hand experience. By all means, catch up on television shows - but i made the massive mistake of starting to watch a show that already had 8 seasons, and managed them only in a few weeks.

2. DON'T just speak to those who you live with, because chances are they're all horrible or too different to you anyway although in my exception, my flat mates were lovely. JOIN SOCIETIES because it fills up your empty time to refrain you from doing point number one^ but it also gives you the opportunity to meet new people who share the same interests as you. If your university is anything like mine there is societies from things even as weird as BACON! 

3. READ, READ, READ - Just because you have copied down your lecture notes, it does not mean you are done for the day. Additional reading around your subject is KEY.

4. An obvious one - but DON'T leave your assignments to the last minute - I did that last year, and boy did I suffer. Plan ahead!

5. Actually HAVE FUN! yes ultimately it is down to the studying, but explore your new town, go out and get drunk occasionally, meet best friends for life, enjoy your course.
BUT if you're not having fun, there are people you can talk to!
As you can see, I have met an amazing group of people here, and just want to make everyone's university experience how good mine is!

If you have any questions about university - then don't hesitate!

Until next time, Lauren. x